Microsoft Scanpst Download Outlook 2007

Posted By admin On 20/04/19
  1. Microsoft Scanpst Download Outlook 2007 Windows 10
  2. Scan Pst Download

I have Outlook 2007 and 'Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook..Error have been detected..'. I have searched everywhere for 'Scanpst.exe' to run the Inbox Repair Tool, but it doesn't seem to exist on my computer. Is this possible?

Should I uninstall, and presumably lose everything?


Know Where is the Location of scanpst.exe in Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007 Versions. The location of a scanpst.exe tool based on different Outlook versions are as follows: Scanpst.exe Location in Outlook 2019. Office 365 / Outlook 2019 Click to Run Windows; C: Program Files Microsoft Office root office16.

4 Answers

For Outlook 2007, ScanPST.exe should be located in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12 (or C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice12 on a 64-bit cmoputer).

If it's not there, you may want to do a Repair install of Office/Outlook.

More info:


you may want to scan your HDD for errors open command.

echo Y Chkdsk /f

Will fix all your errors automatically after restart. use '/r' instead if you want to scan for bad sectors. (may take long time)

Michael MantionMichael Mantion

If its just a bad profile load, close outlook and goto appdata/local/microsoft/outlook and rename all of the OST files. This will rebuild the local cache.

You can also try launching outlook with the /resetnavpane switch.

These two things resolve most of the outlook issues I come across.

If its a bad PST, then run the repair on office like other have suggested. You could also remove the PST from the profile by going to mail im control panel, data files and remove the PST from there.

Bryan HaltermanBryan Halterman

In Outlook 2007, ScanPST.exe is located at predefine path i.e. mentioned below:

32-bit Windows C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12

64-bit Windows C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice12

I hope you would be able to find required exe.

Rajan SinghRajan Singh

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Microsoft Scanpst Download Outlook 2007 Windows 10

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As Palcouk stated, ScanPST is installed by default during any Office install with Outlook. If it's missing then either (1) Outlook isn't installed (2) something has become corrupted or (3) something deleted the file.

The location of <scanPST.exe> depends on several factors

- OS bit version in use

- Office version in use

- bit level of Office version in use

- type of install in the case of '2013 (C2R vs .msi)

On a Win8 x64 system with Off'2010 (x86) and Off'2013 (x86-C2R installed) - i.e. two versions of Outlook being active - the location for ScanPST is as follows

Scan Pst Download

For O'2013

'Windows Drive:Program FilesMicrosoft Office 15rootOffice15' Assistir series online gratis legendado.

For O'2010 on the same system

'Windows Drive:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14

On a Win8 x64 system with only O'2013 x86 installed via the .msi installer - the location is

'Windows Drive:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Office 2013Office15'

(note: don't knowrecall if there any changes made to the default MS Office folder name during the .msi install process so there may be a slight variation but not something that should prevent anyone from finding the folder)

That said, simply doing a search for <scanpst*.*> via Windows Explorer should locate the file if it exists on the system - neither a hidden or system file.