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Posted By admin On 05/06/19

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ABC of Interventional Cardiology
Coronary artery disease (CAD) causes severe disability and more death than any other disease in affluent societies, including cancer. The medical conditions associated with it are angina, ischaemia, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, heart failure and sudden death.Choosing the appropriate investigation to confirm a diagnosis helps to assess risk and determine the correct treatment path. GPs also need to know the effective life-style and risk-factor modifications in addition to advocating the best medical therapy.
ABC of Resuscitation

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An Atlas of Back Pain
Written by a team of highly regarded scientists with a vast experience of the subject, An Atlas of Back Pain not only explains how to determine the underlying causes of patients' conditions but also describes the various treatment options available. It provides an easily accessible guide to all aspects of back pain and its differential diagnosis. Richly illustrated, the atlas contains more than 130 X-rays, CT scans, MRI images, and color pictures of both pathology and surgery. The expertly described techniques and procedures combined with the exceptional illustrations enhance the book's value as a resource for teaching, residency training, and clinical practice.
Wound Care : A Handbook for Community Nurses
Product Description
SitusThe day-to-day responsibility for wound management is a role usually undertaken by nurses. It includes assessing the wound, selecting an appropriate treatment, and evaluating the patients' progress. In order to do this effectively the nurse needs to understand the healing process, recognize the factors which may delay wound healing, understand how wound healing can be optimized, know how to recognize complications if they arise and know how to treat them.
This text, specifically written for community nurses, including practice nurses, provides a picture of wound healing for both acute and chronic wounds that may be encountered in a community setting. An overview of the function of the skin and phases of wound healing are examined prior to looking at the relationship between wound healing and the patients' health and lifestyle.
The reference is written in a question-and-answer format, and includes relevant case studies.